From 0.00 to 5.00
Three Rounds of
5 strict pull-up
10 Deadlift (BW/80% BW)
15 push-up
From 5.00 to 10.00
Two Rounds of
8 strict pull-up
15 Deadlift (BW/80% BW)
25 push-up
From 10.00 to 15.00
One Round of
15 strict pull-up
30 Deadlift (BW/80% BW)
45 push-up
AMRAP in 16 minutes of:
20 mt dumbbell oh walking lunges
10 handstand push-up
10 dumbbell box step over
20 American swing
M: 22,5 kg dumbbell, 24 kg kettlebell
W: 15 kg dumbbell, 16 kg kettlebell