mercoledì 4 ottobre 2023

  • routine 3: pull-up


  • 6 sets for load:
  • every 150s, 3 deadlift
  • – Use the same load across all sets.
  • – work around 85% 1RM


  • For Time:
  • 7/5/3
  • gymnastic complex
  • 9/7/5
  • front squat, w1/w2/w3
  • time cap: 9 minutes


  • g. complex is:
  • 3 toes to bar
  • 2 chest-to-bar
  • 1 bar muscle-up


  • squat weights:
  • ♀: 40,48,55
  • ♂: 60,70,80 kg