venerdì 12 aprile 2024

  • routine: strenght (pushes)


  • EMoM 12 minutes
  • 1: 12 overhead walking lunges
  • (30/43 kg)
  • 2: 50 double-under
  • 3: 15 GHD sit-up/supine candlestick


  • For time, with a partner
  • 10 to one descending ladder of:
  • synchro DB snatch (15/22,5 kg)
  • synchro burpee-box jump* (50/60 cm)
  • time cap: 9 minutes
  • *synchro on top of the box
  • _ _ _ _ _ _


  • extra workout
  • five rounds
  • 10m sled push (80/110 kg sled)
  • 7 strict toes to bar
  • rest one minute