giovedì 28 dicembre 2023

  • routine: strict pulls


  • EMoM for ten minutes:
  • overhead squat
  • squat snatch
  • (barbell starts from the ground)


  • For time, with a partner:
  • 30 DB step-up (15/22,5 kg)
  • 30 toes-to-bar
  • 22/30-calorie row
  • (or 18/25 cal. ski)
  • 30 handstand push-up
  • 22/30-calorie row
  • 30 toes-to-bar
  • 30 DB step-up
  • time cap: 13 minutes
  • – split reps as needed,
  • – one partner works while
  • other rests
  • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


  • extra workout
  • three rounds of:
  • 40 mt farm’s carry, right arm
  • 20 mt walking lunges
  • 40 mt farm.s carry, left arm
  • 20 leg raises on parallettes