giovedì 2 maggio 2024

  • routine: pull-up technique


  • EMoM 12 minutes
  • 1: 14 one-arm overhead walking lunges
  • (16/24 kg kettlebell)
  • 2: 8 strict pull-up
  • 3: 5 KB strict press/arm


  • Quarterfinals Workout 4
  • Complete as many reps as possible
  • in 10 minutes of:
  • 10 clean and jerks, weight 1*
  • Rest 1 minute
  • 10 clean and jerks, weight 2*
  • Rest 1 minute
  • 10 clean and jerks, weight 3*
  • Rest 1 minute
  • Max-reps clean and jerks in time remaining, weight 4*


  • * weight reference:
  • 55%, 70%, 85% 90% 1RM
  • _ _ _ _ _ _ _


  • 1 set:
  • 2:00 L-sit (accumulate)
  • 60 seated leg raises over the dumbbell
  • 50 dumbbell glute bridge raises (35/50 lb)
  • 1-min handstand hold