lunedì 11 settembre 2023

  • routine 3: pull-up
  • – – – –
  • 5 sets for load and reps:
  • every 180s:
  • 3 push-press
  • immediately following your final
  • push-press, complete a single set of
  • max reps handstand push-up
  • – – – –
  • for time:
  • 150 double under
  • 50 alternating DB snatch (15-22,5 kg)
  • 150 double under
  • time cap: 8 minutes
  • – – – –
  • extra workout:
  • four rounds of:
  • 40 mt farm’s carry, right arm
  • 20 mt walking lunges
  • 40 mt farm’s carry, left arm
  • 20 seated leg raises
  • use a 20/28 kg kettlebell
  • try to finish prior to 12 minutes