martedì 5 settembre 2023

  • routine 2: rings


  • Four rounds for reps
  • 20s of deficit strict handstand push-up
  • 20s rest
  • 20s of strict handstand push-up
  • 20s rest
  • 20s of handstand push-up
  • rest one minute


  • three rounds for time:
  • with a partner
  • 30 calories bike
  • (split at least one time)
  • 12-6-3 synchro reps each of:
  • deadlift (30/43 kg)
  • clean
  • squat snatch
  • time cap: 12 minutes
  • extra workout:
  • Every 2:00 x 5 sets:
  • 5 box jump
  • Increase the height of the box
  • with each set.