Mercoledì 15/07/2020

  • Every minute for six rounds:

  • 6 Sphynx push-up

  • 12 swimmer kick

  • elbows plank for the rest of the minute

  • Four rounds for reps of:

  • 15” max strict chest-to-bar pull-up

  • 15” rest

  • 15” max pull-up

  • 15” rest

  • 15” max chest-to bar pull-up

  • 15” rest

  • 15” max pull-up

  • 75” rest

  • Rest three minutes

  • Four rounds for reps/max hold

  • Max strict handstand push-up in 30”

  • Rest 45”

  • Max three points handstand hold in 30”

  • Rest 75”

  • Cash-out:

  • Max L-sit in three minutes

  • (Perform 5 Burpees every time you

  • Loose position)