mercoledì 21 dicembre 2022

  • Five rounds for quality
  • 20s wall-facing handstand hold
  • 20” rest
  • 20” practice front lever
  • 20” rest
  • 20″ weighted hollow body
  • position hold
  • rest one minute


  • For time:
  • 20 one-arm DB
  • Shoulder to overhead (R)
  • (♂22,5 kg, ♀15 kg DB)
  • 20 DB hang clean (L)
  • 20 one-arm DB
  • Shoulder to overhead (L)
  • 20 DB hang clean (R)
  • 40 V-up
  • 40 one arm DB
  • Overhead lunge
  • (switch every 10 reps)
  • 40 V-up
  • 20 DB hang clean (R)
  • 20 one-arm DB
  • Shoulder to overhead (L)
  • 20 DB hang clean (L)
  • 20 one-arm DB
  • Shoulder to overhead (R)
  • Time cap: 16 minutes