mercoledì 27 dicembre 2023

  • routine: one-leg squat


  • with a 30s- work, 30s rest pattern:
  • Four rounds of:
  • 10 GHD sit-up
  • rope climb, 2 ascents
  • 5 D-ball over shoulder
  • 10 m handstand walk
  • (5m out, 5m back)


  • AMRAP in 7 minutes
  • 3-6-9-12… etc.
  • Thrusters 30/43 kg)
  • Chest-to-bar pull-up
  • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


  • extra-workout:
  • four sets for load, with snatch grip:
  • 6 deadlift
  • 6 bent over rows