mercoledì 6 marzo 2024

  • routine: handstand
  • 30s work + 15s rest,
  • For eight rounds
  • Odd set: 15 flutter kick +
  • Max superman hold
  • Even set: max distance HS walk
  • Rest 30s


  • AMRAP 5 minutes of:
  • power clean (35/50 kg)
  • 3 bar muscle-up at the top
  • Of every minute


  • Rest two minutes


  • AMRAP 5 minutes of:
  • power clean (43/60 kg)
  • 2 bar muscle-up at the top
  • Of every minute


  • Rest two minutes


  • AMRAP 5 minutes of:
  • power clean (50/70 kg)
  • 1 bar muscle-up at the top
  • Of every minute