sabato 11 novembre 2023

  • routine 2: rings


  • 3 rounds for time:
  • (with a partner)
  • 800-m run with a medicine ball (6/9 kg)
  • 24 power snatch (40/60 kg)
  • Athletes run together and switch
  • as needed on the snatches.
  • The medicine ball doesn’t touch the
  • ground until the workout is over.
  • complete 10 burpees before continuing if medball touches the ground.
  • Time cap: 30 minutes
  • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


  • EMoM 10 minutes:
  • odd: 7 DB bench press +
  • max push-up
  • even: rest
  • then,
  • practice 10 minutes of
  • active stretching/mobility