sabato 17 giugno 2023

  • For time with a partner:
  • 1,000m run
  • – Split the runs. One person works at a time.
  • directly into:
  • 50 Curtis-P Complex (25/35 kg)*
  • (Both partners perform 4 burpees)
  • at the TOP of each minute.
  • then..
  • 800/1,000m row/ski
  • – Split the row/ski. One person works at a time.


  • – One person works to accumulate the Curtis-P Complex at a time,
  • switching every minute. The partner on the barbell can start
  • accumulating Curtis-P Complexes as soon as
  • they have finished doing burpees.
  • time cap is 25 minutes


  • *One “Curtis P” complex is: one Power Clean,
  • one Lunge (each leg), and one Push Press.