Sabato 2 settembre 2023

  • Routine 4: handstand
  • On a 20-minutes clock:
  • A) For time (with a partner)
  • 30 – 20 – 10
  • DB man maker
  • (15/22.5 kg dumbbells, switch
  • every five reps)
  • Perform a 100 meters farmers
  • carry after each set.
  • (switch every 20 meters)
  • Then,
  • B) complex for load
  • Power snatch
  • Hang-power snatch
  • Hang-squat snatch
  • (partners alternate with
  • Attempts, score is the sum
  • Of heaviest scores of each
  • partner
  • extra workout
  • ten rounds a.f.a.p. of
  • 10 box jump (60/75 cm)
  • Alternate with a partner of
  • Rest as much as time taken