sabato 7 ottobre 2023

  • For time:
  • run 500 m
  • three rounds of:
  • 10 DB box step-over
  • (15/22,5 kg DB)
  • 10 handstand push-up
  • run 1000 m
  • two rounds of
  • 10 DB box step-over
  • 10 handstand push-up
  • run 1500 m
  • 10 DB box step-over
  • 10 handstand push-up
  • time cap: 30 minutes
  • – – – – – – – –
  • extra workout
  • pre-EMoM:
  • Every 30s for 4 minutes
  • 3 behind the neck
  • snatch grip push press


  • EMOM 10:
  • 1 power snatch
  • 1 hang squat snatch
  • 1 overhead squat
  • increase load across the 10 minutes